Hi, I’m Rachel J Gregory, Certified Money Coach (CMC)®, Property Investment Coach and Property 

After graduating from university, I began an international corporate career with a “Global Brand” that spanned 15 years. Eventually, I started to feel stuck after waking up one too many mornings in a row, looking in the mirror and thinking there’s got to be more to life than this and ultimately, I became critically ill. At this point, I decided that I needed to change or nothing would change, so I jumped off the cliff, leaving my job and my former life behind. Not long after this, I had the realisation that “I had to value myself more than work and money” and decided to pursue my passion for property investing and helping others.

Fast-forward eight years, having successfully built a portfolio of Buy-To-Lets and Houses of Multiple Occupation, I realised I enjoyed creating homes where my tenants could thrive and which provided me both financial security but also, more importantly, the time to choose what I do on any given day. This includes spending time with those I love, travel and giving back to my community, where for the last two years, I’ve been part of the leadership team of a non-profit that has fed 1500 families across London.

I can now honestly say I’m living the life of my dreams. I am passionate about educating, empowering and inspiring other people to live the life they love on their terms, whatever that means to them. I have coached thousands of people to become inspired to change their life through investing in property. I enjoy helping to empower others financially so much that this ultimately led me to become a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®. Now I spend my days helping people to become financially empowered!

I’d seen too many people be disengaged around money or give away their power in this area of their life and I greatly wanted to help people overcome their money patterns. Few of us are taught how to be successful with money and I knew that without these skills many people would remain stuck in jobs, careers or even in relationships that did not serve them. I somehow knew that I could help people move beyond these limitations to experience greater fulfilment and financial security that they could own for themselves.

My training at the Money Coaching Institute in California helped me to understand how most of our money patterns, emotions and behaviours are hard-wired in early childhood and create blocks to our success with money as adults. I’ve been trained in a unique and powerful step-by-step coaching process that allows me to help my clients to name and change their life-long money patterns, behaviours and emotions that prevent them from experiencing their greater potential and fulfilling their dreams. This process changes lives and that’s what I most enjoy doing…making a difference in the lives of others.

So, what about you? Are you ready to value who you are, have what you want and leave a legacy? If so, I’d love nothing more than to help you do just that!